In the summer of 2022 the first stimulant medication to be reported as on shortage was amphetamine mixed salts (Adderall IR/ER®). The medication shortages continue, and present barriers to care for many pediatric patients living with ADHD.
With the inconsistent nature of the stimulant shortages, several challenges have emerged. Over the last several months we have noted that the products available and unavailable can differ from region to region. Likewise, the products that are more regularly in-stock are those that may not be easily covered by insurance. These inconsistencies and barriers to access make specific solutions difficult to come by, as the shortages have proven to be a moving target.
Resources Available for Community Providers:
*Education Session with a PFK Pharmacist: The Partners For Kids Pharmacy team has developed a 1 hour educational session detailing ADHD prescribing including tips for navigating medications while the ADHD medication shortage is ongoing. This educational session will meet the PFK primary care network requirement.
Online Resources: Partners For Kids’ Pharmacy team has online resources providing general information on ADHD prescribing which can aid in prescribing appropriate stimulant and non-stimulant medications.
- Resources – Partners For Kids
- Navigate to “Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Prescribing Guidelines”.
Interested in learning more?
Contact the Partners For Kids Pharmacy Team at