Partners For Kids’ Provider Portal now contains a report available to contracted organizations. The report includes patient lists for Partners For Kids’ members that are actively on antipsychotic medications and who are due for antipsychotic metabolic lab monitoring.
Antipsychotic Lab Monitoring list aligns with the HEDIS measure for Antipsychotic Metabolic Lab Monitoring (APM) but includes specific modifications to enhance its relevance for PFK members actively using antipsychotics.
The new report entitled, Antipsychotic Lab Monitoring, identifies PFK members for whom your organization provided:
- The member’s most recent antipsychotic fill
- Which members have had at least one antipsychotic medication fill in the past 6 months
- Which members have had least one 60-day supply prescribed in the last 12 months
A member is considered compliant if they have completed annual metabolic lab monitoring for glucose and lipids.
To access this page, log into the PFK Provider Portal ->Click on Patient List Dashboard ->Patient List ->Antipsychotic Lab Monitoring.
For specific instructions on this new report, refer to this page for the “Provider Portal Training Manual” link.
If you do not have access to the provider portal, please contact your Partners For Kids’ provider relations specialist to set up an account.