August Provider Portal Updates:
On August 21, the reproductive health patient lists will be getting a revamp!
- Prescription Contraceptives will now show only those members with an active prescription (previously showed 2 years of data)
- Depo-Provera Injections will now show only those with an active injection (previously showed 2 years of data)
- LARC – Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives will now show only those with an active LARC (previously showed 3 years and 3 months of data). In addition, the removal/reinsert dates are now based on the type of LARC rather than a static 3 years.
As a reminder, Partners for Kids are still only receiving pharmacy data from Buckeye. In addition, we still have not received any OhioRISE data from any plans.
Additionally, this year, Partners For Kids will begin accepting Proof Forms for those activities and patients who were bonus eligible in the 2022 calendar year. This year, the non-compliant patient lists will be available to download via the Partners For Kids Provider Portal for a limited time and are due back to Partners For Kids by November 1, 2023. Partners For Kids understands that some of the patients on this list may have received incentivized services in 2022 but were not identified in the claims data. If that is the case for your practice, please add the appropriate dates of service in the blanks provided within the patient list and return it to your Partners For Kids Provider Relations Specialist with either a HCFA form or Explanation of Payment showing that the well check and/or immunization was performed in the appropriate timeframe. Stay tuned for additional details on the proof form process!