During the “Will This Ever Get Easier? Enhancing Feedback Literacy in Clinical Supervision” webinar, attendees learned to describe the key elements of effective feedback in clinical supervision. They engaged in group discussion to identify a number of known barriers to providing effective feedback and identify at least two challenges that have interfered in their own experience of supervision. The course discussed the concept of “feedback literacy” and its potential benefit to both the content and process of clinical supervision. Helpful tools and resources from the presentation are provided below:
Supervisory working alliance inventory (SWAI) – Supervisor
Supervisory working alliance inventory (SWAI) – Supervisee
The next course is Friday, January 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on “Partners for Kids-Behavioral Health Community Education Series: Exposing the Hidden Impairments Associated with ADHD” (worth 3 CEUs). The full 2024 Partner’s for Kids Behavioral Health Community Education Series Course calendar will be shared in the January newsletter.